방송음원 매일 업데이트되요저는 다운받기 귀찮아서 한번에 받습니다.영어스크립트도 소리녹음된걸 들으며 볼수있어서 정말 영어공부하기 편하네요.책사볼때는 방송 빼먹지 않고 듣기가 힘들었는데 방송음원포함으로 사니, 하루도 빼먹지 않고 듣고싶을때 들을 수 있어요.방송이 포함된 세트라서 과월호를 사도 되겠다 싶어요. 1월호 다 듣고나면 세일중인 과월호를 사볼까 합니다.가격이 좀 더 저렴했으면 좋겠어요. 두고두고 볼 것이 아니니 이것도 대여로 해서 저렴하게 나오면 좋겠습니다.
매일 20분~
02 Mon. I’m craving their chocolate cake.
03 Tue. These reports look confidential.
04 Wed. It’s for ages fifteen and up.
05 Thu. That’s only during the summer.
06 Fri. A cold is going around at work recently.
07 Sat. Weekly Review
09 Mon. What is it about?
10 Tue. Hopefully it’s good news.
11 Wed. What do they look like?
12 Thu. It says you can buy tickets on the train.
13 Fri. We will never finish the entire bag.
14 Sat. Weekly Review
16 Mon. I’m running low on money.
17 Tue. But this is too much.
18 Wed. What was for lunch?
19 Thu. It’s almost double the normal fare.
20 Fri. Just the two of us?
21 Sat. Weekly Review
23 Mon. What are you playing on your phone?
24 Tue. I could see you trying not to yawn.
25 Wed. It was a lot of fun last year.
26 Thu. Is the tap water here drinkable?
27 Fri. I’m sure it’ll pass.
28 Sat. Weekly Review
30 Mon. Let’s lift it together.
31 Tue. Do you still have openings?
카테고리 없음